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Rajeev Gondal


Rajeev Gondal said…
Make fear your friend

Face Fears Boldly
Fear is an emotion, an uneasy sensation when we encounter something dangerous or unknown. Is it advisable to let fear determine our actions? Do we have a choice? This essay will dig deep into various aspects related to the topic with the help of some relevant examples.
My first example is from concentration-camps. In his book – ‘Man’s search for meaning’, Victor Frankl, beautifully elucidates that all of us are endowed with a power stronger than fear. He called that power as ‘the power of meaning’. Even in death-camps, there were men who remained gentle and kind to others. They believed that all the pain they were subjected to had some purpose and enduring the pain was in their best interest. Instead of acting out of fear they acted out of love and helped each-other, sometimes risking their own lives. According to Frankl our life are driven by the meaning we attach to it and thus, we have a choice there. His philosophy was - ‘Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lie our growth and our freedom.’ Frankl advocates that if some meaning is attached to suffering, people embrace it with love rather than fear. Based on this philosophy he propounded a method of psychotherapy termed as ‘logotherapy’.
My second example is from the life of Steve Jobs. In his legendary speech at Stanford, Jobs pointed out how he remained unfazed even when he was publicly ridiculed, humiliated, and thrown out of his own company. His love for computers was stronger than his fear of rejection and failure. He went ahead and setup two more companies named Pixar and NeXT and rose up like a phoenix-bird, rising from its own ashes. In a remarkable turn of events, he joined Apple again, where he worked for the rest of his life. Steve Jobs life shows that where there is love, there is no place for fear
Likewise, the story of Elon Musk, the visionary founder of Paypal, Telsta cars, Solar-City and SpaceX further corroborates how fear can be handled through vision and faith. His three space missions failed successively and he lost billions of dollars in his ventures. But, instead of giving up, he took the brave step of making the fourth attempt in which he successfully launched the rocket in the outer space. This success brought him back into the business. Driven by the missionary zeal to make a mark in the field of space-exploration and unconventional-energy, Elon Musk is able to tame the monster of fear, rather than getting bogged down by it.
To conclude, love, faith, sense-of-purpose are stronger forces than fear. It behooves us to embrace these qualities rather than letting fear write our scripts.
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