IELTS TOEFL PTE SAT GRE - Vocabulary and Accent

What is the role of accent in speaking?

Does correct accent contributes to higher marks?

Do you wish to know the secret?

Well, the answer is really simple!!


Here is one good source:

Irrespective of what you like, you will find some presentations that interest you the most.

Here is a list of presentations with a brief description of what you get there..

Ted Talks and What you can learn from them

Ted talk / Person / Incidence
What does it talk about..
Ananda Shankar: Fighting cancer with dance
How changing the context of her disease changed her mind-set and helped her to overcome cancer
Simon Sinek
The concept of golden circle.. Whyà Whatà How
Rick Warren
Leadership is stewardship
Richards St John
Success is a continuous process
Amy Cuddy
Body language Mind controls body… body controls mind..
Kiranbir Sethi
How schools should function.. Learning by examples..
Amy Purdy
If your life were a book and you were the author, how would you want your story to go..
Steve jobs
Love what you do
Elon Musk
Winning is the only option… follow your passion
Volkswagen story
The story of failed ambitions
Nokia Story
Story of proud
Google vs. Yahoo
Customer convenience is supreme
Story of right brothers and Samual peripoint Langley
Your passion is more important than your resources…
Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev
Spirituality with science
Aimee Mulins
 Changing my legs—and my mindset
Lost job
Found passion for my life.
Could not clear MBA in first round
Understood English and Math better.. gave me a reason to have many successes..
Sunder pichai
Wear failure as your badge..
Power of mind – Deepak Chopra and Oprah winfry
Rotating a piece of something on a thread.. move forward and backward.. move round.. change direction..
Change your words change your world
I am blind
Today is a nice day and I cant seet it.
Slaps on the sand
Gratitude on the stone
The story of two friends.. one slapped another… write it on the sand… Today my friend saved my life.. write it on the stone.. engrave it..
Scars on the hand.. scars on the legs..
A body was swimming.. went to the middle of the sea… got caught by an alligator… struggle.. mother saw him.. ran to the shore… alligator caught him… farmer.. shot him.. scars on the arms… scars the hands.. God wont let you go..


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